5 Ways Studying Engineering in Australia can Super-Charge your Career


The employment market for engineers is sky-scraping all round the globe. Particularly, Australia houses great many universities. With surfeit of engineering specializations and universities with strong international ties, studying engineering from Australia can offer great job prospects and better return value. The figures generated by Australian National Engineering Taskforce (ANET) show that between the years 2002 and 2010 international student enrollments in engineering increased by 81.8 per cent. In 2010, of all engineering graduates in Australia international students accounted for 43 per cent.

Listed below are 5 Ways Studying Engineering in Australia can Super-Charge your Career:


Some institutes in Australia offer as many as 25 specifications including civil, mechanical, electrical, electronics, telecommunications, chemical, computer, mechatronic, materials, agricultural, marine, mining, petroleum, geological, industrial, aerospace, environmental or biomedical, of undergraduate engineering degrees. The wide range gives you an opportunity to pursue field of your interest. The Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses available in the universities qualify an applicant for engineering associate or engineering technologist positions and can unlock your way into university. For those who have completed there bachelor’s degree, institutes in Australia offer a range of postgraduate courses.


States such as Western Australia and Queensland, experiencing highest growth in mining and resources, face an acute shortage of engineers. This opens up ways for engineers and students willing to pursue engineering in Australia, offering them better job prospects. International students pursuing engineering are vital to meet the widespread shortage of engineers experienced by Australia. According to the figures proposed by ANET, more than half of the newly qualified engineers employed in Australia are skilled migrants. Handsome salaries as high as INR 30,35,250 (one of the highest salaries of any field) can be expected.


Engineering is a field that is experiencing rapid growth in Australia. With skilled migrants making more than half of the newly qualified engineers employed in Australia, international engineers are prioritized for permanent residency visas.

Applicants may take up any of the following migration opportunities:

  • A candidate can stay in Australia after graduation to gain Australian work experience through a post-study work visa or a Skilled — Graduate (Temporary) Visa
  • Achieve sponsorships with their employer through the Employer Nomination Scheme or Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme
  • Apply for permanent residency through Australia’s SkillSelect skilled migration program.


Practical approaches towards the learnt skills are integral part of engineering in Australia. It is necessary that students learn the skills and have experience of the qualities required by the employers in the workforce. There are two ways that students can gain necessary work experience. These are:

  • Co-op course in which the candidate is placed at an Australian company
  • Through internships which may be compulsory or voluntary.
  • Through Engineers Australia Professional Year Program, a 12-month work experience program for international students. This program allows the candidates to gain valuable experience in an Australian engineering company.

The last way also increases the chances of the candidate of gain permanent residency through SkillSelect.


A professional association named Engineers Australia ensures accreditation of undergraduate engineering programs. This ensures the maintenance of high standards of Australian engineering scores. The candidates produced are skilled and fulfil the demands of the employers. The accreditation also certifies your degree and makes sure that the candidate is recognized by leading countries like USA, the UK, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Canada and South Africa.

Originally posted 2018-04-28 18:50:03.


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