Best universities to study software engineering in Australia for Indian students 


Australia has become one of the most popular destinations among international students. With availability of wide-range of courses and internationally top ranked universities, more and more students migrate to Australia for study purposes every year.

There are many universities in Australia offering bachelors and masters in engineering in various specializations. Software engineering is one of the fastest growing industries and has gained popularity recently. Many international students look forward to apply for software engineering in Australian universities.

Listed below are best universities to study software engineering in Australia for Indian students:

University of New South Wales

University of New South Wales campus.

The computing programs of University of New South Wales are considered one of the best in its class. UNSW offers great learning experience with their strong computing programs. The university exposes its students to people and industry networks that help them inculcate work-ready skills.

The students of University of New South Wales have evidently displayed their quality education with practical approach, thus accounting for majority of locally hired engineers over the subsequent few years in Google.

University of Sydney

University of Sydney, Campus.

The quality of University of Sydney’s computing programs have enhanced radically in recent years. With enrollment of better qualified students, improvements in the programs and versatility in teaching skills, USYD is providing a great proportion of locally hired engineers at present.

The university is placed at 3rd rank in engineering and technology universities in Australia and 1st in employability. The university is gaining popularity among international students and is becoming one of the most chosen universities of Australia.

University of Technology, Sydney

University of Technology, Sydney campus

University of Technology, Sydney is considered one among the best universities in Australia for software engineering programs. Its strong connection with international community makes it have an edge over other universities. Due to its practical approach and field training this university is regarded as the university helping most with career by the students. Its tech oriented curriculum is well regarded and recognized.

Originally posted 2022-09-03 06:00:32.


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