5-Things You Must Know Before Writing a Dissertation


Writing a dissertation is an extremely complicated task. It is mostly to be submitted towards the end of your academic journey and the purpose of this paper is to showcase your skills and capacity to conduct research in your chosen discipline and present the outcome through an original paper which would add value to the academic community.

How to Write a Dissertation – Advance Planning


Make sure you are given a good supervisor – speak to the alumni, seniors, other faculty and find out the necessary info. Your supervisor should ideally be reliable, and be able to give detailed feedback about each segment of your dissertation paper

4Impressive & Original Topic

Try and stay away from generalized themes about famine, wars, racial issues, religion etc. Invest time and conduct a thorough research to find a truly impressive topic that interests you. Ensure the topic is original.

3Divide & Conquer

Think about the outline of your paper and divide the paper into stages to fit the deadline. Begin with your literature review, primary sources and methodology, then move to analysis and organization of the material and start writing. Check and proofread each part of your dissertation carefully to make sure the ideas flow logically.

2Validate with Requirements & Guidelines

It is important to understand your university department requirements before you finish writing your dissertation paper. Request your librarian to provide you samples of dissertation papers from past years to see the way they were written. Some supervisors pay attention to the style, others to layout and some may reference to content most.


Each idea presented in your dissertation paper must be supported with proper references. Analyze the refence and present your ideas rather than just giving the details present in the references. Technical terminology should be supported with detailed definitions.

A dissertation paper is one of the most important task in your course, ensure you take it with utmost seriousness and deliver your best output.

Originally posted 2017-10-26 13:42:50.


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