5 Common Problems in IELTS Writing Task 2 ‘Introduction’


IELTS Writing Task 2 entails you to write an academic-style essay on usual topics. A common type of IELTS task 2 essays is the Problem SolutionCauses Solution or Advantages and Disadvantages essay. Despite being very common, lots of students fail to do well in these questions. Many students are unable to deliver a good introduction which is where the examiner gets an impression of what to expect in the answer.

Here are 5 common problems that students face while producing a good introduction in IELTS Writing Task 2:

1Talking casually about the topic

Many students start off their essays with general information about the topic. Majority of essays open with ‘Nowadays……’ or ‘In modern life….’. This in my opinion is an absolutely wrong way to frame the introduction. The question requires you to answer the question precisely and not casually.

2Thesis statement

Thesis statement is a statement that sketches out the problems and its probable solutions. Your main body echoes this thesis statement. The central idea of your essay is included in this statement and your main body should be around it. This forms a vital part of your introduction of the writing task 2. Missing out this thesis statement can lose you marks. Thesis statement is this much important due to following reasons:

  • It describes the central idea of your essay.
  • It gives examiner an impression that you have understood the question well.
  • It makes sure that your essay will be clear and coherent.

3Proper outlining of the essay

It is also necessary to outline your essay in your introduction. If you don’t explain what you are going to illustrate, the examiner will not know what the rest of the essay will have. This will also lose you marks. Your essay will include discussion on the points that you mention in the outline statement.

4Trying to be entertaining

IELTS exam doesn’t give you marks for being appealing. Trying to write a “hook” or including “flowery” language is not definitely a good approach. Probably, your essay being boring will earn you marks. You should focus on grammar, punctuations, spellings and overall structure of your essay instead of adorning it. Remember, IELTS does not judge you based on how interesting your essay is, instead it judges how accurate your application of English is.

5Using informal style

Don’t use an informal style. Remember that you are expected to write in an academic style. Usage of slangs make your writings look informal. Write in complete sentences and focus on vocabulary and sentence structure. Examiner wishes to see certain aspects which include spellings, punctuations, grammar and vocabulary.

The organization of essays and interpreting the questions are important in judging the application of English. Avoiding these 5 common problems can help you write an informative introduction in IELTS Writing task 2 and give examiner an opinion that you have understood the question well and have a cohesive essay to write.

Originally posted 2018-03-21 18:17:27.


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