11 last minute tips & tricks to rock your board exams


The National level CBSE board examination for class 12th are all set to start from March 2nd 2015.

Here, we are listing few tips and tricks which can help you score high and sail through to college smoothly.

1. Revision is very important. Revise the previous topics before moving to the new chapter.

2. Get spare pencils and pen for the exam.

3. Stay positive and motivated.

4. Sleep well before an exam.

5. Before leaving for exam check for admit card and stationary items.

6. Eat light before an exam.

7. Read the question paper carefully.

8. Make sure you write well and mark the important points.

9. Do not waste time on a particular question if you are not sure about the answer. Solve other problems first and return to the question if you have time.

10. After, completing your exam read your answer sheet and make the required changes.

11. After, completing your exam read your answer sheet and make the required changes.

Studynama.com wishes all the students good luck. Study well, so that you do not have to get inspired from the guy in the image 😉

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Originally posted 2016-01-17 07:34:32.


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