There’s hardly any non-medical student who has not fallen prey to the much created hype of the king of entrances for engineering known as the IIT-JEE! It wouldn’t be wrong to say that this entrance exam can make you go sleepless for nights and anxiety haunts you as the day of the exam is round the corner. As we are all aware, the IIT-JEE is a two – staged exam, primarily the JEE Main and then the JEE advance. The entrance is a MCQ (Multiple choice question) based examination in which, most of the times out of the four options the correct answer is to be marked and consequently earn marks. Also, there’s negative marking too, so if you mark the wrong answer some fraction of your marks gets deducted. As if this was not enough, the questions are really tough, which makes it really difficult to crack this exam.
So here in this article, we shall be sharing with you 14 tips and tricks with which you can literally CHEAT at the IIT JEE exam and get a short cut entry to the IITs! You don’t have to be a HC Verma or ML Khanna geek to understand these short cuts. These tips and tricks are for each and every student who dreams to get in to an IIT – remember at the end of the day your All India Rank (AIR) matters, nobody asks how you got it.
So after much ado, here are the 19 IIT-JEE tricks and tips to help you find correct answers and cheat your way to the IITs:
1Identify the Concept
While attempting the question identify the concept on which it is based. Try to recall the formula based on it and the theory part of the same. Apply the conditions given and proceed. Systematic procedure will prevent you from confusion.
For Example – A projectile being launched at a velocity of 1.0 km at an angle of 30° to the horizontal. Assume that g = 9.8 m and that air resistance is negligible. What is the time of flight of the projectile?
a) 100 sec
b) 125sec
c)102 sec
d) 98 sec
This question is based on the projectile hence recall the formula for time of flight, draw suitable diagram and find the answer.
2Ensure you master chapter 1 of physics from your class 11 NCERT book
This chapter is so easy and yet most students either skip it or do not pay much attention to it. You normally get at least three questions from Dimensions, Approximation and finding Maximum Error sections. Make sure you understand these concepts clearly. Read the study material, go through the answer keys and check past year papers with solutions. It is easy and fetches you some ‘free’ marks.
3NCERT book of chemistry is your bible
Most teachers in Class XI and XII would tell you that NCERT books are the ‘Bible’ for all competitive entrance exams in India. And most students, do not pay any heed to them. Cracking HC Verma, ML Khanna and others is fine, but consider NCERT books as the books from where questions will be lifted from – directly. In Maths and Physics, there might be some questions from other books but in Chemistry – every question asked in IIT JEE will be from the NCERT book. In fact, in Inorganic Chemistry, some of the lines were directly quoted from the NCERT book – as if Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V.
4Filter the choices and eliminate to identify the right answer
This is the most useful IIT-JEE tip you will come across to avoid confusion. Eliminate each clearly wrong answer from the given choices. In every question there are at least two options which are clearly unsuitable. So first eliminate them and then go on.
5Do not get confused
While attempting the question paper you may find many hurdles. There would be a lot of self questioning at each step . Just avoid too much of self questioning, this may land you in an pit of confusion. Remember that it is important to recheck your answer twice, but do not question it!
6Make Diagrams
In the physics section particularly diagrams play an important part. Diagram may serve like a hidden treasure. Sometimes you tend to avoid some of the hidden conditions of the question when you attempt them directly, so diagrams can help you find those hidden questions.
7Modern physics – easiest Topic that fetches you 20-25 Marks
Modern Physics with its atoms, nuclei, radiation etc. cannot be ignored. It fetches you as much 20-25 marks in IIT entrance level exams and you hardly need more than a day or two to understand it all. Just cram up all the formulae. You just can’t let these questions go. Strangely, it requires one-tenth of the preparation time you need for Mechanics but fetches you ten times the marks.
8Reverse Engineering
IIT-JEE tricks of choosing the correct answer involves this method. By this it means finding the correct answer from the provided options. You directly substitute the given options one by one and check whether it satisfies the condition of the given question or not.
9Mind the ‘units’
The most reliable IIT-JEE trick is to rely on the units for the correct answer. Closely have a look on the options and choose the value which is mentioned choice. For example if you have to find out the velocity and you are provided with the following options:
a) 60 m/s
b) 35 m²/s
c) 100 m³/s
d) 45 m/s²
Here we know that the unit of velocity is m/s so filter accordingly and eliminate the unsuitable units. Now you are left with only one option with the correct unit i.e. 60 m/s, which is your answer.
10Make suitable assumptions and try substituition wherever possible
Certain questions in IIT-JEE do not require too much of calculations especially in mathematics. All you need is the art of substitution and finding the answer directly. For example –
If a(n) denotes the nth term in an Arithmetic Progression. Then 1/a(1)a(2) +1/a(2)a(3) +………………………………+1/a(n-1)a(n)
(a) n-1/a (1) a (n)
(b) n/a(1)a(n+1)
(d) n/a(1)a(n)
Take a simple AP = 1, 2, 3, 4…..let us take n=3.
Therefore our questions comes to be: 1/1*2 +1/2*3 =4/6 =2/3= n-1/a(1)a(n)
Hence the correct option is (a).
11Spot the hint
In questions where you can’t find a way out to the answer read the question twice. It is likely that there would be a certain hint which might be given in the question. Find the hint and proceed.
12Don’t panic if you don’t find the answer
Its okay if you don’t get the answer. Do not panic. Keep yourself calm and move forward with the next question. Remember, you do not have to attempt all the questions. So it is important to identify extremely difficult questions and skip them.
13Be sure while marking your choice
Once you mark the answer you don’t have an option to omit it so be sure when you mark your answer. Also remember that for every wrong answer there will negative marking which can cost you heavily if you if not taken care of.
14Organic chemistry is a godsend!
Most students find organic chemistry the most burdensome part as they find it difficult to learn the equations and memorizing all the catalysts and the end product. But organic chemistry is no less than a blessing. All you need to do is jot down all the important equations and memorize them. In the exam, questions will come directly based on them. You just need to remember the equations and apply them to get your answer.
15Attempt the ‘no negative’ marking questions first
The IIT-JEE set of paper contains some questions which have no negative marking. It is like a boon to all the students. You have nothing to lose if you go wrong. Do not leave them in any case, make a blind guess even if you have no idea of what he answer is.
16Patience is the key
Patience is the most helpful IIT-JEE tip you require. It will unlock all your doors particularly in this paper. Remember that once you enter the examination hall that’s nothing you can do more. You have prepared your best and now it’s the show time! Have faith in yourself, be confident remember the almighty and go for it.
17Attempt the section you are most confident with first
There’s always one section you will be the most confident with amongst chemistry, physics and mathematics. When you start the examination your mind is fresh you tend to make less mistake when you start with what you know. So gear up with which you are the most confident.
Finally, after the above 17 cheats, here are couple of tips at the end:
18Tip – You cannot randomly mark answers and hope to score good marks – here’s why!
In all major exams, answers are equally distributed among all the four options: a, b, c and d. It means that 25% of answers have to be ‘a’, 25% will be ‘b’, 25% will be ‘c’ and 25% will be ‘d’. This is done to make sure that students do not get marks merely because of probability. Marking scheme of the exam gives you +3 marks for all correct answers and -1 mark for all incorrect answers.
It means that if you only mark ‘a’ for all the questions – you will have at least 25% correct answers. Rest of the 75% answers will be incorrect. Hence, going by the formula below, you will get ‘zero’ marks in the exam.
[(X/4) x (3)] – [(3X/4) x (-1)] =0
It means if you solve 100 questions, you will get (100/4) = 25 answers correct. Multiply it by 3 and you will get 75 marks. But now, ¾ of your answers will be incorrect, which will fetch you 75 penalty marks. Deducting one mark for each incorrect answer will mean that you lose 75 marks. The net difference will be Zero. So, beware, do not mess up your exam just by randomly marking answers.
19Tip – Never carry your notes or books to the exam center
Just carry your pen/pencil and other stationary and always refrain from carrying your books and notes. It will just confuse you and stress you out in the last minute. Also, ensure to get at least six hours of sleep the night before the exam.
We sincerely hope these tips will help you rock your IIT JEE and other MCQ based engineering examinations. Trust us, it is your smartness along with hard work which ultimately pays. All the best!
Originally posted 2016-07-12 05:27:31.
those last two tips you have copied from the askiitians.But your tricks are quite good.
Well thank you but i really came for “cheating” motive but whatever. But still gotta say tensed AF.
Thank you for the tips
In 18th tip: the equation isn’t right
(X/4)×3 – [(3x/4)×(-1)] = 6x/4 = 1.5x
You have to remove a minus symbol to get 0.
But point taken👍.