LLB Special: 5 things you will understand if you are a Law student


Law studies can get extremely tiring and monotonous with all the cases, amendments and scenarios plaguing your brain.

So, here we have, in order to divert your attention from the monotony, have compiled a list of top 5 things that only a law student or a lawyer will understand…

1A Teacher in a class asked – what comes after a sentence “Of course an Appeal?”

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2Difference between a good and bad lawyers – bad lawyers drags a case for years, good ones even longer

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3Lawyers word document – No matter what font you select, everything come out in fine print

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4Where there is a will, there is a Lawsuit

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5I am a lawyer. Just to save time, assume that “I am always right”

PS – The above content is just for fun reading and any resemblance to living or dead is coincidental. LOL!

Friends, we are sure you would like to share some of your experience with us, do comment below. Till then ‘stay focused’.

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Originally posted 2015-12-17 07:34:33.



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