Unlike IIT’s, IIIT’s and admission to other graduation courses, admission in IIM’s does not totally depend upon your CAT score. Although achieving a good score is a paramount aspect of getting admission in your dream management institute, but it’s not the only thing that needs your attention.
The Indian Institute of Management is an aspiration for all the applicants who wish to pursue MBA after their graduation. As lakhs of applications cross their desks each year, IIM’s always are on the lookout for specific qualities in a candidate. With every unique application and persona that comes forward for admission in these reputed institutions, a nominee must possess some distinct qualities that will put them leagues ahead of everyone else within your applicant pool.
We connected with several professors at IIMs who have been a regular part of the admissions process and basis our discussion with them, we bring to you 7 traits that IIM’s look for in an Ideal Candidate during CAT Interviews & Admission Process.
Applicants should show how they have begun to lead others even before setting foot on campus. It does not mean setting revolutionary examples of your leadership but only times when you motivated your surroundings towards something or when you brought a fresh idea or new way of thinking to your organization. Proving yourself as an impactful leader will help you gain some additional points .
6THE M&I Trait
Czech a famous writer said that business has two key functions marketing and Innovation. Without marketing your innovation will not get the window to reach the people whereas without innovation marketing is all vain. Innovative thinking also helps candidates set themselves apart from the crowd. Why do you think what made Pokémon Go such a revolution? Yes, an MBA degree was just behind the idea! So, If you are serious about being selected to top MBA colleges in India, innovation holds the key for you.
Business requires you to solve complex problems. The only way to solve these problems in analytical thinking. Business schools like IIMs look for candidates that possess a high degree of analytical skills. To be able to fit as an ideal MBA candidate you must introspect the given problem properly, look for all sets of solutions that can be applied and pick the one with maximum output. Do not forget to present a valid justification for not choosing the other alternatives.
People knowledge is more important than product knowledge. An MBA nominee is expected to have a pleasing and magnetic personality which will eventually help in getting friendly cooperation from others. Wearing a pleasant expression is more important than anything else you wear. Having excellent interpersonal skills will ensure that the work flop and operations of the team would be smooth.
Do you know enough to enter any discussion? You can’t afford to remain silent when you are asked to keep your perspective on any topic. The candidate must be aware of the global scenario not only on the economic or political level but even at social and cultural level too.
“Tell us something about yourself”, “Where do you see yourself in the next five years?” These are the most frequently asked questions in an IIM interview. All you need is self awareness to answer these questions. A candidate should have a clear vision of his/her future goals. You need to be confident about yourself and present yourself well.
IIMs like to look at their students as not only the future business leaders but also as future entrepreneurs. So keep your ideas, business models in front of the admission committee clearly. This may get you some extra brownie points!
Just remember that you just need to be yourself and not pretend to be “the perfect candidate”. Your uniqueness will lead you to your goal. We wish you the best in your MBA endeavors.
Originally posted 2018-02-26 06:23:55.