Woah! Exit Test for Engineering Students to Determine Employability?


We know you are struggling with your CGPA and suddenly you may soon be bombed with yet another exam – “The EXIT TEST”!

You entered an engineering college passing a test and now you will exit by doing the same. Haunting isn’t it? But there must be some reason behind this, let us throw some light on the grounds of this idea.


Concerned about the quality of engineering students graduating every year, the students of both private and government Institutions will be soon giving an Exit test in their final year. The government plans to share their scores with prospective employers. Although the final decision is yet to be made by the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) very soon.


The prospective of this test is the result of the feedback the government has received about skewed standards of the country’s engineering education. Data shows that only 20% to 30% of the total number of engineering graduates which are in lakhs, get a decent job.
With lakhs of engineering graduates passing out every year the precondition of the companies and quality of requisite skills in students does not match, failing the demand from the industry.

  1. To ensure quality skills and attainment level, the government has decided to introduce this test to filter skillful and deserving students.
  2. Apart from the above mentioned reason, another reason for this test is to assemble the diverging courses, different tools and techniques used to teach, and test the skill of students across the country.

Another FAQ from students – all students will get their B.Tech degrees from their institutes regardless of their performance in the exit examination but the participation in the examination would not be voluntary.

At the end of the day, it is just another exam to furnish your skills and you need not to be worried about it. Although, the final decision is still pending, but we think this is a step in the right direction to rank and rate passing out engineers.

As per Narayanan Ramaswamy, Partner and Head of education and skill development, KPMG in India, “this assessment is a good step, although it will not be adequate if it is not backed by a curriculum to impart these non-technical, life skills such as critical thinking and soft skills.”

So now you know what the authorities have planned for the betterment of the engineering education and the students too. So all you need to do is get updated regularly and study well everything else will follow.

Originally posted 2017-07-30 07:24:10.


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