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  1. Ranjith.ds

    Electrical Engineering Design and Drawing important question/question bank for Electrical engineerin

    Hi friends Below you can find some important questions for the subject Electrical Engineering Design and Drawing. These questions will help you prepare better for your semester exams.1 QUESTIONS on Electrical Engineering Design and Drawing: Re-wire able fuse Siren Buzzer Ceiling fan Fan...
  2. Ranjith.ds

    Computer programming and application important question/question bank for Electrical engineering

    Hi friends, below you can find some important questions for the subject Computer programming and application. These questions will help you prepare better for your semester exams. QUESTIONS: Define low level language. Define Assembly language. Define Flow chart. Define ASCII. What is a...
  3. Ranjith.ds

    Electrical & Electronics / Measurements & Instrumentation important question/question bank for Elect

    Hi friends, Below you can find some important questions for the subject Electrical & Electronics / Measurements & Instrumentation. These questions will help you prepare better for your semester exams.1 Very Short Answer type questions: What do you mean by errors ? Name two types of moving...
  4. Ranjith.ds

    Basic Electronics-I important question/question bank for Electrical engineering

    Hi friends Below you can find some important questions for the subject Basic Electronics-I. These questions will help you prepare better for your semester exams.1 EXPLAIN BRIEFLY Passive components. Constant current source. Atomic structure. Intrinsic semiconductor. Doping. PN junction...
  5. Ranjith.ds

    EEEM important question/question bank for Electrical engineering

    Hi friends Below you can find some important questions for the subject EEEM. These questions will help you prepare better for your semester exams.1 QUESTIONS: Q Define Conductors. Q Nome two low resistivity materials. Q Name materials used for making fuses. Q Word two applications of Copper. Q...
  6. Ranjith.ds

    Digital Electrical & Microprocessors important question/question bank for Electrical engineering

    Hi friends Below you can find some important questions for the subject Digital Electrical & Microprocessors. These questions will help you prepare better for your semester exams.1 QUESTIONS: Very Short Answer type questions Q. The radix of octal number is _______. Q Define 1's complement...
  7. Ranjith.ds

    Elect. Power-I / Power system-I important question/question bank for Electrical engineering

    Hi friends Below you can find some important questions for the subject Elect. Power-I / Power system-I. These questions will help you prepare better for your semester exams.1 QUESTIONS: Very Short Answer type questions Q. The transmission and distribution line expenditure are maximum in ______...
  8. Ranjith.ds

    Electrical Machine-II important question/question bank for Electrical engineering

    Hi friends Below you can find some important questions for the subject Electrical Machine-II. These questions will help you prepare better for your semester exams.1 QUESTIONS: Very Short Answer type questions Q.The high speed motors are of ____ type.. Q Define cogging. Q Yoke of an induction...
  9. Ranjith.ds

    Consumer Electronics important question/question bank for ECE

    Hi friends Below you can find some important questions for the subject Consumer Electronics. These questions will help you prepare better for your semester exams.1 QUESTIONS: Very Short Answer type questions Q What is the function of capstan in a tape recorder? Q Define IF signals. Q Define...
  10. Ranjith.ds

    Power Electronics important question/question bank for ECE

    Hi friends, here you can find some important questions for the subject Power Electronics. These questions will help you prepare better for your semester exams. Short answer type questions.1 State the functions of latching and holding recurrent in thyristors Explain the di/dt and dv/dt feature...
  11. Ranjith.ds

    Microwave and Radar Engg. important question/question bank for ECE

    Hi friends Below you can find some important questions for the subject Microwave and Radar Engg.. These questions will help you prepare better for your semester exams.1 QUESTIONS: Very Short Answer type questions What is frequency range of X band? Define waveguide. Draw shape of circular...
  12. Ranjith.ds

    Optical fibre communication important question/question bank for ECE

    Hi friends Below you can find some important questions for the subject Optical fibre communication. These questions will help you prepare better for your semester exams.1 QUESTIONS: Very Short Answer type questions Snell's law Pin diode Doping Attenuation Optical frequency range fit rate...