Hi friends, below you can find some important questions for the subject Computer programming and application. These questions will help you prepare better for your semester exams.
Short answer type questions:
- Define low level language.
- Define Assembly language.
- Define Flow chart.
- Define ASCII.
- What is a source program?
- What is bit?
- What is a variable?
- An _ in general is a symbol that operates on a certain data type.
- Functions in C pass all arguments by value. (True/False)
- What is meant by looping?
- What is multi- dimensional array?
- A ____ is a variable that represents the location (rather than the value) of a data item, such as a variable or an array element.
- What is a union?
- What is PSPICE?
- In terms of declaration syntax, union is similar to ___.
- Strings are array of characters i.e. they are characters arranged one after another in memory. (True/False)
- What is meant by opening a data files?
- Name two different types of data files.
Short answer type questions:
- Explain what do you understand by Machine language?
- Explain the concept of Interpreter.
- Name and describe the four basic data types in C.
- What is meant by associativity?
- Describe the four relational operators included in C.
- How are library functions usually packaged with in a C compiler?
- Explain what do you understand by PSIM Software.
- What is the purpose of a buffer area when working with a stream oriented data file?
- How are one dimensional arrays defined?
- How is pointer variable declared? What is the purpose of the data types included in the declaration.
- What is structure? How does a structure differ from an array?
- How is an array of structure initialized?
- How is a union member accessed? How can a union member be processed?
- State several advantages to the use of function.
- Explain the difference between function declaration and a function definition.
- Explain for loop and break statement.
- Discuss the software applications in Electrical Engineering.
- Write a program that accepts a string and an integer and print the string as many times as the value of the integer. This procedure should continue until the user presses q to quit.
- Suppose a function receives a pointer as an argument. Explain how this function is declared with in its calling function. In particular explain how the data type of the pointer argument is represented?
- Write short note on any two:- Pointer, High Level language, Logical operator
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