DU LLB Previous Year Solved Question Papers (PDF Collection Download)


Delhi University Law Entrance Exam (DU LLB) is a university level of examination which is conducted for admission in 3 year LLB Course offered by 3 institutions under Delhi University. The three law institutes affiliated under the central university namely Campus Law Centre, Law Centre I and Law Centre II.

Their application forms are available from June. A total number of seats offered by DU are 2310. Around 19000 aspirants applied for DU LLB Entrance Exam last year. Eligibility criteria include 50% aggregate marks in qualifying degree. DU LLB exam pattern includes 175 questions from General knowledge and current affairs, English language and comprehension, Analytical ability and legal awareness and aptitude. The Examination is conducted in offline mode and duration is 2 hours.

Many students preparing for DU LLB exams have complained about un-availability of free online previous year question papers. Thus, to solve this problem many of your seniors on Studynama Online DU LLB Entrance Exam Forum Community have shared their previous year question papers which will help in your DU LLB Preparation.

Here’s a list of DU LLB Previous Year question papers which are available on Studynama:

You can visit the above links and download the files. We hope our DU LLB Studynama online community helps you in your preparation. Feel free to request your specific course preparation question papers below in the comment section.

Originally posted 2018-07-05 11:54:35.


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