Engineering (BTech) entrance prep.

Engineering entrance exam prep section for JEE, BITSAT, VITEEE, SRMEEE, MHCET and all other private university and state entrance exams.

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NEET may affect MHT CET Counselling 2016 for engineering seats: Know how!

MHT-CET results are scheduled to be announced on 1st June. Thereafter, counselling will start and students may seek admission to their desired engineering college and branch. However, college authorities fear that...
things to pack to plan for boys hostel in india

9 things every fresher needs in a college hostel in India: a comprehensive guide

Moving into a college hostel can be a exciting and overwhelming experience for a fresher. There are many things to consider and prepare for, and it's important to make sure you...
things not to do in a hostel in india

9-things to NOT do in a college hostel in India

Living in a college hostel can be a fun and exciting experience, but it's important to remember that there are certain rules and expectations that you need to follow to ensure...