AIIMS MBBS Result 2018 – Category Percentile Cutoff & Category Rank Cutoff


AIIMS has released its results for the MBBS 2018 admissions today – 18 June 2018. The list contains names of 2649 candidates that are eligible for the Mock Round/1stRound of
Seat Allocation/Online Counselling and are four times the actual number of seats advertised in each category.

As declared with the results by AIIMS – If the actual numbers of seats are not filled from the candidates mentioned in the list for the Mock Round/1stRound of Seat Allocation/Online Counselling, qualified candidates who are subsequent in the merit list for each category may be called for later rounds of Seat Allocation/ Online Counselling.

AIIMS MBBS 2018 Percentile Cutoff for Each Category:

The cut off percentile of the qualified candidates was decided according to procedure mentioned in the AIIMS MBBS Prospectus. The category wise cut off percentile of qualified candidates are as follows:

  • Category: UR | Percentile cut-off: 98.8334496
  • Category: OBC (NCL) | Percentile cut-off: 97.0117712
  • Category: SC / ST | Percentile cut-off: 93.6505421

As mentioned, this is only the first list that has been declared today, and is NOT the complete list of all candidates who have qualified in the AIIMS MBBS examination. This list only includes those eligible candidates equivalent to four times the total number of seats available in all the above AIIMS.

Accordingly, the cut-off Percentile eligible for the Mock Round / 1st Round of Seat Allocation / Online Counselling.

CategoryCut-off Percentile EligibleOverall RankCategory Rank
PWBD-OBC (NCL)97.354989999733240
PWBD-STNone QualifiedNone QualifiedNone Qualified


All tie cases (those with equal overall percentiles) have been resolved as mentioned in the AIIMS MBBS prospectus using percentiles of Biology followed by Chemistry, followed by Physics and then by Date of Birth (older candidates being placed above younger one).

The Mock round of Seat Allocation/ Online Counselling is expected to begin on 23rdJune 2018 followed by later rounds of counselling. All candidates are required to register for online allocation of seats / counselling on 23rd June 2018.

Originally posted 2018-06-18 13:13:06.


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