Structural design pdf download of ebook/notes for civil


Mar 15, 2017
Hi friends

Here i am uploading some high quality notes for the subject Manufacturing science and technology 2. These notes are really good and will definitely help you prepare well for this subject's semester exam. All the best.

Topics Covered:

  • Module-I
Properties of concrete and reinforcing steel, Philosophy, concept and methods of reinforced concrete design, Introduction to limit state method: Limit state of collapse and limit state of serviceability. Application of Limit state method to rectangular beams for flexure, shear, bond and torsion.

  • Module-II
Design of doubly reinforced beams. Design of T-and L-beams. Design of one way and two way slabs, Design of staircases.

  • Module-III
Design of short and long columns with axial and eccentric loading, design of isolated column footing.

  • Module-IV
Design principle of masonry structures: Brick and stone masonry. Design of masonry short and long walls, columns and retaining walls.

These notes can be downloaded by clicking on the pdf icon below.


  • BTech Civil - STRUCTURAL DESIGN.pdf
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