BPharma second year subject lecture handwritten notes, eBooks, guides PDF free download


Studynama Guru
Nov 18, 2018
Student of
BPharma second year builds on the foundation established in the first year and delves deeper into subjects such as pharmacognosy, pharmaceutical analysis, pharmaceutical microbiology, and pharmacotherapeutics. This year also includes practical training and hands-on experience in the field.

To help all pharmacy students, I am compiling a list of all BPharma notes for all second year subjects that have been shared on Studynama. I know how tough it can be to keep up with all the Pharmacy course study material, so I thought this might be helpful.

Please browse each of the link below to download the specific BPharma second year subject handwritten notes, eBooks and guides in PDF as a free download:

These notes cover all the essential topics, concepts, and formulas that you need to know for your second year Pharmacy exams. Good luck to you all!