Universal Human Values & Professional Ethics question bank with solutions (Q&A) for ABCDE engineering/BTech second year – PDF download


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Aug 15, 2022
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Hello B.Tech Students,

Universal Human Values & Professional Ethics aims to develop their understanding of ethical principles and values in the professional world. The course introduces students to various ethical theories, including virtue ethics, deontological ethics, and utilitarianism, among others. It also emphasizes the importance of moral values, integrity, and professionalism in the workplace. The subject provides students with a framework for analyzing ethical dilemmas in their future professional lives and helps them make ethical decisions. The course also covers topics such as human rights, social responsibility, environmental ethics, and gender equality. By studying Universal Human Values and Professional Ethics, students can learn to become responsible professionals with a deep understanding of ethical principles and values. This, in turn, will help them make ethical decisions and contribute to building a better society.

I am sharing Universal Human Values & Professional Ethics question bank with answers and solutions in Q&A format for engineering/BTech second year. This is available as a PDF file for free download below.

List of topics covered in Universal Human Values & Professional Ethics question bank with solutions (Q&A) for engineering/BTech second year:

Unit 1:

  • Introduction to Ethics and Human Values
  • Definition of ethics and human values
  • Importance of ethics and human values
  • Different approaches to ethical decision making
  • Sources of human values
  • The role of ethics in professional life
Unit 2:
  • Personal and Professional Values
  • Understanding personal values and their role in decision making
  • Professional values and their significance in the workplace
  • Developing ethical behavior and attitudes
  • Ethical challenges in the workplace

Unit 3:
  • Ethical Theories and Principles
  • Introduction to ethical theories and principles
  • Consequentialist and non-consequentialist theories
  • Utilitarianism and deontological theories
  • Virtue ethics and care ethics
Unit 4:
  • Ethics in Society
  • Human rights and social responsibilities
  • Environmental ethics
  • Gender equality and diversity
  • Ethics and globalization
Unit 5:
  • Professional Ethics
  • Ethical codes and conduct in professional organizations
  • Engineering ethics
  • Medical ethics
  • Business ethics
Unit 6:
  • Contemporary Ethical Issues
  • Cyber ethics
  • Ethics in research and innovation
  • Ethics in media and entertainment
  • Ethics in politics and governance
The syllabus aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of ethics and human values and their importance in professional life. It covers personal and professional values, ethical theories and principles, ethics in society, professional ethics, and contemporary ethical issues. By studying this subject, students can develop a better understanding of ethical decision making, social responsibility, and professionalism.

The PDF file containing Universal Human Values & Professional Ethics question bank with solutions (Q&A) for engineering/BTech second year students is available for a free download below.


  • UniversalHumanValues&ProfessionalEthics-BTech-2Year-Question bank.pdf
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