Pharmaceutical Inorganic Chemistry B.Pharma 1st year handwritten PDF notes download


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Nov 8, 2017
Hi B.Pharma students,
I am sharing the BPharma Pharmaceutical Inorganic Chemistry 1st Year Semester 1st handwritten notes for the subject Pharmaceutical Inorganic Chemistry. This PDF file for Pharmaceutical Inorganic Chemistry B.Pharma 1st semester subject contains brief and concise notes for easy understanding of topics and quick learning.

Main topics covered in these handwritten PDF notes for Pharmaceutical Inorganic Chemistry B.Pharma 1st Year Sem. 1st.

Unit 1 - Impurities in pharmaceutical substances, General methods of preparation
Unit 2 - Acids, bases and Buffers, Major extra and intracellular electrolytes, Dental products
Unit 3 - Gastrointestinal agents Acidifiers, Antacid, Cathartics, antimicrobials
Unit 4 - Miscellaneous compounds Expectorants, Emetics, Haematinics, Poison & Antidote, Astrigents
Unit 5 - Radiopharmaceuticals

I hope these handwritten PDF notes on Pharmaceutical Inorganic Chemistry of B.Pharma Pharmaceutical Inorganic Chemistry 1st Year Semester 1st will help you in preparing well for your Pharma college examinations. Good luck!


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