[PDF] Prepare Accounting Statements - Class 11 Accounts Investigatory Project Report


Jul 13, 2018
Student of
Class XII
Hi Friends, I am sharing an amazing PDF Class 11 Accounts Investigatory Project Report on the topic - Prepare Accounting Statements for a small business that you can easily download below. This PDF project for the Accounts Class 11 subject on Prepare Accounting Statements for a small business can act as a reference report while you create your own report.

List of topics covered in Prepare Accounting Statements - Class 11 Accounts Investigatory Project Report:

  • Introduction to company - company profile
  • Transaction, vouchers, type of vouchers - debit, credit, transfer
  • Journal
  • Ledger
  • Cash Account
  • Cash Books
  • Cheques
  • Trial Balance
  • Conclusion, Bibliography
You can easily download the PDF Prepare Accounting Statements - Class 11 Accounts Investigatory Project Report by clicking the Free download link below.


  • [PDF] Create Basic Accounting Statements Class 11 Accounts Investigatory Project Report.pdf
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