[PDF] Ice Cream Industry Market Analysis - Class 12 Business Studies Investigatory Project Report


Jul 13, 2018
Student of
Class XII
Hi Friends, I am sharing an amazing PDF Class 12 Business Studies Investigatory Project Report on the topic - Ice Cream Industry Market Analysis that you can easily download below. This PDF project for the Business Studies Class 12 subject on Ice Cream Industry Market Analysis can act as a reference report while you create your own report.

List of topics covered in Ice Cream Industry Market Analysis - Class 12 Business Studies Investigatory Project Report:

  • Ice cream industry overview
  • Market & key competitions Analysis
  • Product selection and attributes
  • Product range, features, USP, tag line
  • Government & regulatory compliance
  • Product manufacture, logo, label, packing
  • Product, transportation, storage, distribution
  • Marketing plan, pricing, product placement
  • Product promotion, wholesalers, retailer
  • Cost effective marketing schemes & strategies
  • Conclusion, Reference
You can easily download the PDF Ice Cream Industry Market Analysis - Class 12 Business Studies Investigatory Project Report by clicking the Free download link below.


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