Hi friends,
On this thread i am uploading high quality notes for the subject Network theory. These notes can be downloaded easily and will definitely help you prepare well for this subject and it's semester exam. All the best!
Topics covered in Network Theory (Electrical engineering) Notes, eBook attached:
MODULE-I - Coupled Circuits: Self-inductance and Mutual inductance, Coefficient of coupling, dot convention, Ideal Transformer, Analysis of multi-winding coupled circuits, Analysis of single tuned and double tuned coupled circuits. Transient study in RL, RC, and RLC networks by Laplace transform method with DC and AC excitation. Response to step, impulse and ramp inputs.
MODULE-II - Network Functions & Responses: Concept of complex frequency, driving point and transfer functions for one port and two port network, poles & zeros of network functions, Restriction on Pole and Zero locations of network function. Impulse response and complete response.
MODULE-III - Network Synthesis: Realizability concept, Hurwitz property, positive realness, properties of positive real functions, Synthesis of R-L, R-C and L-C driving point functions, Foster and Cauer forms
MODULE-IV - Graph theory: Introduction, Linear graph of a network, Tie-set and cut-set schedule, incidence matrix, Analysis of resistive network using cut-set and tie-set, Dual of a network.
This lecture notes file for Network Theory Notes, eBook can be downloaded by clicking on the pdf icon below.
On this thread i am uploading high quality notes for the subject Network theory. These notes can be downloaded easily and will definitely help you prepare well for this subject and it's semester exam. All the best!
Topics covered in Network Theory (Electrical engineering) Notes, eBook attached:
MODULE-I - Coupled Circuits: Self-inductance and Mutual inductance, Coefficient of coupling, dot convention, Ideal Transformer, Analysis of multi-winding coupled circuits, Analysis of single tuned and double tuned coupled circuits. Transient study in RL, RC, and RLC networks by Laplace transform method with DC and AC excitation. Response to step, impulse and ramp inputs.
MODULE-II - Network Functions & Responses: Concept of complex frequency, driving point and transfer functions for one port and two port network, poles & zeros of network functions, Restriction on Pole and Zero locations of network function. Impulse response and complete response.
MODULE-III - Network Synthesis: Realizability concept, Hurwitz property, positive realness, properties of positive real functions, Synthesis of R-L, R-C and L-C driving point functions, Foster and Cauer forms
MODULE-IV - Graph theory: Introduction, Linear graph of a network, Tie-set and cut-set schedule, incidence matrix, Analysis of resistive network using cut-set and tie-set, Dual of a network.
This lecture notes file for Network Theory Notes, eBook can be downloaded by clicking on the pdf icon below.
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