Metrology, Quality control and reliability notes/ebook pdf download for ME/AU/IP


Mar 15, 2017
Hi friends, I have uploaded lecture notes/ebook for the subject - Metrology, Quality control and reliability as per the Mechanical Engineering syllabus. These notes are of high quality and will definitely help you to prepare well for your semester exams.

List of Topics covered in Metrology, Quality control and reliability PDF notes, eBook, book:

  • Need of inspection, sources of errors, basic types of errors precision and accuracy. Method of estimating accuracy and precision , standard and their evolutions.
  • simple measurement tools: Rules, calipers, height gauges, micrometers, depth gauge dial indicator, slip gauges, sine bar.
  • Limit, fits and tolerance and gauge design: Basic concepts of limit fits and tolerance interchangeability and selective assembly, ISO system of tolerance, Taylor's principle of gauge design, Gauge design- basic design rules for plug and ring gauges.
  • Interferometers: Types of light sources and interferometers, Types of scale and grading, optical flats.
  • Screw thread measurement : Standard thread profiles, effective diameter, measurement of effective diameter by 2 wires and 3 wires methods. Best wire size
  • Surface roughness: Source of surface irregularities in manufacturing. Roughness and waviness RMC and CLA values measurement of surface roughness using Taylor Hobson's Talysurf
  • Statistical quality control: Frequency distribution, process capability variables and attributes control chart (X & R chart) for variables, control chart for attributes (p,np and C chart) OC curve single and double sampling plan.
  • Reliability: Definition, relationship of reliability with maintainability and availability, failure data analysis- bath tub curve, system reliability, reliability improvement
These notes for Metrology, Quality control and reliability notes/ebook can be downloaded by clicking on the pdf icon below.


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