MBA Marketing - Advertising and Sales Promotion Notes & eBook - Second Year Sem 4



Hey Folks,

I welcome you to my MBA thread on Studynama Community. On this thread, I have shared the PDF lecture notes for the subject – ADVERTISING AND SALES PROMOTION.

These notes and eBook on ADVERTISING AND SALES PROMOTION have been prepared by experienced Commerce faculty and toppers and will provide you with easy to study material. There are 226 no. of pages in this PDF lecture notes and the PDF file can be easily downloaded below.

List of key topics in ADVERTISING AND SALES PROMOTION Notes eBook:

  • UNIT - I
Advertising - an introduction- Origin and Development - Definition and Classification - Planning Framework -Organising Framework - the Advertiser and the Advertising Agency interface - Strategic Advertising Decisions -Setting Advertising Objectives - The Budget Decision - Preparing the Product and Media Brief
Copy Decisions - Visualization of Ad Layout - Elements of Ad Copy and Creation Principles of verbal versus visual thinkers - Styles and Stages in advertising copy creation- Copy (Pre-) Testing methods and measurements.
Media Decisions - Media Planning and Selection - Concepts of Reach, Frequency, Continuity, and Selectivity - Measures of Media Cost Efficiency – Media (Readership / Viewership) Research - The Internet as an Advertising Medium - Tracking Website visits, page views, hits, and click-stream analysis - permission marketing and privacy - ethical concerns.
Measuring Advertising Effectiveness - Control of Advertising by practitioners, media and the market - Advertising in the International Market-place - Advertising and Principles of IntegratedMarketing Communication and Image Building.
  • UNIT - V
Sales Promotion - Rationale, Types - Consumer and Trade Promotions - Sales Promotion Strategies and Practices, Cross Promotions, Surrogate Selling, Bait and Switch advertising issues.

You can download the PDF lecture notes eBook for the subject - ADVERTISING AND SALES PROMOTION below. I hope you like them and get help in your studies. Moreover, please feel free to ask any query below or LIKE this post to motivate me to share more study materials with all students!



  • MBA Marketing - Advertising and Sales Promotion Notes & eBook.pdf
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