Material Science Metallurgy Lab Manual Mechanical (2nd Year) Engineering eBook PDF Download


Mar 26, 2018
Student of
Dear Mechanical Engineering Students,

On this page, I am sharing very good written classroom lecture notes in eBook PDF format on the subject - Material Science Metallurgy. The subject Material Science Metallurgy is mostly taught in the second year of the Mechanical engineering course. Though sometimes, this subject can also be taken up in the third year as well.

I have uploaded this eBook handwritten lecture notes on Material Science Metallurgy in PDF format for easy downloading below. Here is more info on it:

Subject Name: Material Science Metallurgy
Course: Mechanical Engineering - Second Year
No. of Pages in this notes eBook: 179

Topics covered in Material Science Metallurgy lecture notes eBook:
  • To get acquainted with the operation, construction, use and capabilities of a metallographic microscope and polishing machine and study procedure of specimen preparation for microscopic examination.
  • To understand what is the micro examination, the importance of micro examination and study various ferrous and non-ferrous microstructures.
  • To understand what is solid solutions, space lattices, crystal structure and bonding.
  • To identify the different types of material available for design, manufacturing and processing of various components based on structure-property-performance processing relationships.
  • To understand the concept of the iron-carbon diagram and TTT curve.
  • To understand the procedure of Non Destructive tests.
  • To understand the concept of heat treatment and case hardening processes.
  • To understand the concept of powder metallurgy.
  • To understand the concept of hardenability and obtain the hardness distribution curve with the help of Jomeny End quench test apparatus.
You can download these lecture notes eBook for the subject - Material Science Metallurgy below.



  • Material Science Metallurgy Lab Manual - BTech Mechanical Engineering Notes, eBook PDF.pdf
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