A warm welcome to all budding legal professionals!
In this page, I will be sharing links to access study material for Law LLB semester 6 subjects. You may easily access these LLB notes and eBooks by visiting the below links for each subject:
LAW - LLB semester 6 lecture notes/eBooks, study material:
In this page, I will be sharing links to access study material for Law LLB semester 6 subjects. You may easily access these LLB notes and eBooks by visiting the below links for each subject:
LAW - LLB semester 6 lecture notes/eBooks, study material:
- Alternate Dispute Resolution notes, eBook and study material - Coming Soon!
- Law of Evidence notes, eBook and study material
- Banking & Negotiable Instruments Act notes, eBook and study material - Coming Soon!
- Conflict of Laws notes, eBook and study material - Coming Soon!
- Law Relating to Women & Children notes, eBook and study material - Coming Soon!
- Law and Medicine notes, eBook and study material - Coming Soon!
- Investment and Securities Law notes, eBook and study material - Coming Soon!
- Medical Negligience: Law of Torts lecture notes pdf & ebook
- VAT (value added tax) lecture notes pdf & ebook
- Limitation act - law ebook and lecture notes
- Limitation act - case law ebook