IIT JEE advanced 2016 previous year solver question paper - pdf download


Mar 15, 2017
Hi friends,

Here i am uploading the solved question paper for JEE Advanced 2016. JEE Advanced is given by students qualified from JEE Mains for securing admissions into IITs. The complexity of the IIT JEE arises from the fact that the questions are always unique in their context, and solving them often requires a combination of concepts from across the different chapters.

JEE Advanced consists of two papers (Paper 1 & Paper 2).Each paper will consist of the sections physics, chemistry and mathematics. Each section will further have different variety of MCQs.
  • Paper 1: 54 questions(18 each in PCM)
  • Paper 2: 54 questions(18 each in PCM)

The answer key and hints can be found at the end of the pdf . All The Best.
Hope this solved previous year paper whelps you prepare well for JEE advanced 2017.

The file can be downloaded by clicking on the pdf icon below.


  • JEE Advanced 2016 Solved Question paper.pdf
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