Corporate Governance & Business Ethics MCom PDF Notes, eBook download


Feb 21, 2015
Hi M.Com. Students, I am sharing these amazingly helpful notes for the subject Corporate Governance & Business Ethics. These PDF notes eBook on Corporate Governance & Business Ethics will help you efficiently prepare for M.Com. semester examinations and score better marks. More details on these notes:

• Subject name – Corporate Governance & Business Ethics
• Course – M.Com.
• File type – PDF
• Pages – 125

Topics covered in Corporate Governance & Business Ethics PDF Notes/eBook for M.Com. course:

  • Module-I Meaning and Definition of Corporate Governance- Evolution of Corporate Governance- Major Stakeholders of a Corporate Body and their goals- Communication mechanism of corporate organisation with stake holders-Objectives Corporate Governance- Principles of Corporate Governance.
  • Module II - Theories and Models of Corporate Governance- Conceptual Framework of Corporate Governance- Legal framework of Corporate and administrative framework- regulatory framework of corporate governance in India- SEBI guidelines and clause 49- Reforms in the Companies Act-Secretarial Audit-Class actionNCLT- Insider trading- rating agencies- green governance- shareholders’ activism- corporate governance in PSUs and banks- Legislative framework of corporate governance
  • Module-III Various Committees on Corporate Governance- International- Blue riband Committee-CadburyCommittee- Greens burry Committee- Kings Committee- Securities and Exchange Commission ReportIndian; Birla Committee, Narayanamurthy Committee- JJ Irani Committee, Naresh Committee Report. Uday Kodak Committee Report Corporate Reporting Framework- Reporting of Remuneration.
  • Module-IV Elements of Corporate Governance- Board of Directors- Executive Directors- Independent DirectorsAppointment, Remuneration- Powers, Duties and Responsibilities- Audit Committee- CompositionPower and Responsibilities- Statutory Officers- Duties, Board Committees- Responsibilities and PowersBoard meetings- Whistleblowing and Corporate Governance- The Concept of Whistle blowing-Types of whistle blowers- Whistle blower policy- the Whistle Blower Legislation across countries- Developments in India.
  • Module-V Business Ethics- Meaning-scope-Importance-Dimensions-Role of ethics in business-Law's Ethics and values-Important ethical principles in business-The new management philosophy-Ethics in business functional areas-integrity-Sales-HRM-Management of quality. Corporate excellence - corporate culture- Styles &values of management-managing cultural diversity in organisation- Building corporate image - knowledge workers &knowledge mgt.
Please click the PDF link in attachment section below to easily download Corporate Governance & Business Ethics M.Com. notes.


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