CBSE AIPMT last 5 & 10 year previous year solved question paper - pdf


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Jan 18, 2015
Student of
CBSE conducts the All India Pre-Medical Test for 15% merit positions in the medical and dental colleges across India.

Pattern of AIPMT: The Entrance Test shall consist of one paper containing 180 objective type questions (four options with single correct answer) from Physics, Chemistry and Biology (Botany & Zoology) to be answered on the specially designed machine - gradable sheet using Ball Point Pen only. The duration of paper would be 03 hours.

To help you in your preparation for AIPMT, we have uploaded all mock papers, sample papers and previous year papers for easy downloads:

CBSE-AIPMT solved previous year papers:

AIPMT 2015 sample, mock and practice papers:

You can easily download each file by clicking on the above links to visit the respective page of each years paper and download the file from that page.


Oct 25, 2017
Student of

NEET is one of the most toughest exams in India. So, candidates need to prepare well for the exam.

For NEET preparation, the best way to prepare is to solve previous year question papers. This will give you a clear idea about the pattern and difficulty level of the questions.

Focus more on Physics section as this is the most difficult section in NEET Exam. Learn all the formulas as they are the backbone of NEET Physics.Make notes of all the formulas, derivations or anything important for the exam. This will help you in your last minute preparation.

Take online mock tests. This will help you analyze your level of preparation and also increase your speed and accuracy.

Best of Luck!