B.Tech first year basic electronics engineering handwritten all units PDF notes, eBooks - Free Download


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Nov 8, 2017
Hello B.tech first year student,

Basic Electronics Engineering is a core subject in B.Tech programs that covers the basics of electronic devices and circuits. It is a prerequisite for advanced courses in electronics and communication engineering. I am sharing the B.Tech first year basic electronics engineering handwritten all units PDF notes & detailed solutions for your quick understanding & revision.

This subject covers various topics such as diodes, transistors, operational amplifiers, and digital logic circuits. It aims to provide students with a fundamental understanding of electronic devices, their working principles, and their applications. Students learn how to design and analyze simple electronic circuits and understand the behavior of electronic devices. Basic Electronics Engineering is a prerequisite for advanced courses in electronics and communication engineering, such as microelectronics, communication systems, and signal processing. This subject is crucial for students who wish to pursue careers in electronics and related fields. It provides them with a strong foundation for understanding complex electronic systems and enables them to develop practical solutions to real-world problems.

Main topics covered in these PDF for basic electronics engineering handwritten notes are:

Module -1
  • Semiconductor Diodes and Applications

Module -2
  • BJT Biasing: DC Load line and Bias Point, Base Bias
  • Introduction to Operational Amplifiers-Inverting and Non Inverting OPAMP circuits, OPAMP applications: voltage follower, addition, subtraction, integration, differentiation

Module – 3
  • Digital Electronics: Introduction, Switching and Logic

  • Flip-Flops: Introduction to Flip-Flops
  • Microcontrollers: Introduction to Microcontrollers

  • Communication Systems: Introduction, Elements of Communication Systems, Modulation: Amplitude Modulation, Spectrum Power, AM Detection (Demodulation), Frequency and Phase Modulation
  • Transducers: Introduction, Passive Electrical Transducers, Resistive Transducers, Resistance Thermometers, Thermistor

You can click on the link below to start downloading the units notes and solutions. I hope this PDF file for first year B.Tech basic electronics engineering handwritten all units PDF notes will help you in preparing well for your college examinations. Best of Luck.


  • Basic Electronics Engineering-final.pdf
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