Hello CS/IT Engineering students, I am sharing the Advance Computer Architecture PDF handwritten revision lecture notes, book for Computer science/IT engineering course. These handwritten revision notes for Advance Computer Architecture will come in handy during your CS/IT semester exams and will help you score more marks.
List of topics covered in Advance Computer Architecture PDF handwritten notes, book for CS/IT Engineering:
List of topics covered in Advance Computer Architecture PDF handwritten notes, book for CS/IT Engineering:
- Flynn’s Classification, System Attributes to Performance, Parallel computer models. Multiprocessors and multicomputer, Multivector and SIMD Computers.
- Data and resource dependences, Hardware and software parallelism, Program partitioning and scheduling, Grain size and latency, Control flow, data flow and Demand driven mechanisms.
- Static interconnection networks, Dynamic interconnection Networks: Bus Systems, Crossbar Switch, Multiport Memory, Multistage and Combining Networks
- Instruction set architecture, CISC Scalar Processors , RISC Scalar Processors, VLIW architecture, Memory Hierarchy, Inclusion, Coherence and Locality, Memory capacity Planning.
- Interleaved memory organization- memory interleaving, pipelined memory access, Bandwidth and Fault Tolerance. Backplane Bus System :Backplane bus specification, Addressing and timing protocols, Arbitration transaction and interrupt.
- Linear pipeline processor, Nonlinear pipeline processor, Instruction pipeline design, Mechanisms for instruction pipelining, pipeline hazards, Dynamic instruction scheduling – score boarding and Tomosulo’s algorithm, Branch handling techniques, Arithmetic Pipeline Design, Static arithmetic pipeline, Multifunctional arithmetic pipelines.
- Superscalar pipeline design, Super pipeline processor design.
- Cache coherence, Snoopy protocols, Directory based protocols.
- Message routing schemes in multicomputer network, deadlock and virtual channel.
- Vector Processing principles, Vector Instruction types, Vector-access memory schemes. Vector supercomputer architecture, SIMD organization: distributed memory model and shared memory model.
- Principles of Multithreading: Multithreading Issues and Solutions, Multiple-Context Processors
- Parallel Programming Models, Shared-Variable Model, Message-Passing Model, Data-Parallel Model, Object-Oriented Model, Functional and Logic Models, Parallel Languages and Compilers, Language Features for Parallelism, Parallel Programming Environment, Software Tools and Environments