accounting - Free resources at

List of threads and study material tagged #accounting on
  1. Robin.9

    Management Accounting Ebook, notes, book PDF download for sixth semester BCOM students

    Hi friends, on this thread I am uploading PDF eBook/notes on the B.Com Third Year subject - Management Accounting. I hope these notes on Management Accounting will really help you prepare for your B.Com semester exams. Topics covered in Management Accounting PDF notes, eBook for B.Com Final...
  2. Robin.9

    Advanced accounting Elective ebook/handout pdf download BCOM students

    Hi BCOM students, I am uploading high quality PDF lecture notes, eBook for the B.Com Accounting & Taxation Group Elective subject - Advanced Accounting. I am sure these notes on Advanced Accounting will help you prepare well for your B.Com Finance group elective exams. Topics covered in PDF...
  3. Robin.9

    Cost Accounting lecture notes download pdf ebook for BCOM 4th semester

    Hi friends, on this thread I am uploading a high quality PDF ebook/handout notes on the B.Com subject Cost Accounting. I hope these notes on Cost Accounting will really help you prepare for your B.Com semester exams in second year. Topics covered in Cost Accounting PDF notes, eBook for B.Com...
  4. Robin.9

    Advanced Corporate Accounting Lecture notes/handout PDF download for BCOM fourth semester

    Hi friends, I am sharing high quality PDF notes, eBook/handout on the B.Com. subject - Advanced Corporate Accounting. I hope these notes on Advanced Corporate Accounting will really help you prepare for your B.Com semester exams. Topics covered in Advanced corporate accounting notes/eBook for...
  5. Robin.9

    Advanced Financial Accounting eBook/handout PDF download BCOM second sem students

    Hi friends, this thread contains quality PDF eBook, notes/handout for the B.Com Second semester subject - Advanced Financial Accounting. The notes are helpful for second semester BCOM students who are preparing for their semester exams. Hope these notes on Advanced Financial Accounting will...
  6. Robin.9

    Financial Accounting PDF Lecture notes/handouts download for BCOM students first semester

    Hi Friends, I am sharing high quality PDF lecture notes and important questions on Financial Accounting as per the B.Com. syllabus. I hope these lecture notes and handouts on Financial Accounting will help you prepare for your B.Com. semester exams. Topics Covered in Financial Accounting PDF...
  7. Reuben.10

    MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING notes/handout for fifth semester BBA students pdf download

    Hi Friends, This thread contains quality notes/handout for the subject MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING, which can be downloaded in the PDF format. The notes are helpful for fifth semester BBA students who are preparing for their semester exams. Hope these notes on MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING will prove...
  8. Reuben.10

    Cost Accounting lecture notes download pdf ebook for 4th semester BBA

    Hi Friends, This thread contains quality notes/handout for the subject Cost Accounting, which can be downloaded in the PDF format. The notes are helpful for fourth semester BBA students who are preparing for their semester exams. Hope these notes on Cost Accounting will prove helpful. All the...
  9. Reuben.10

    CORPORATE ACCOUNTING notes/handouts pdf download for BBA Students Third semester

    Hi Friends, This thread contains quality notes/handout for the subject CORPORATE ACCOUNTING, which can be downloaded in the PDF format. The notes are helpful for third semester BBA students who are preparing for their semester exams. Hope these notes on CORPORATE ACCOUNTING will prove helpful...
  10. Reuben.10

    Financial Accounting notes/handouts pdf download for BBA Students second semester

    Hi friends, This thread contains quality notes/handout for the subject Financial Accounting, which can be downloaded in the PDF format. The notes are helpful for second semester BBA students who are preparing for their semester exams. Hope these notes on Financial Accounting will prove helpful...
  11. Reuben.10

    Fundamentals of Accounting notes/handouts pdf download for BBA Students first semester

    Hi friends, This thread contains quality notes/handout for the subject Fundamentals of Accounting, which can be downloaded in the PDF format. The notes are helpful for first semester BBA students who are preparing for their semester exams. Hope these notes on Fundamentals of Accounting will...
  12. Reuben.10

    Financial Accounting pdf lecture notes/handouts download for first semester BBA students

    Hi Friends, Here on this thread I am uploading high quality pdf lecture notes and important questions on Financial Accounting. Hope these lecture notes and handouts on Financial Accounting will help you prepare for your semester exams.1 Topics Covered in Financial Accounting notes/eBook for...
  13. Admin001

    Cost/Management accounting MBA/PGDM projects PPT & report pdf downloads

    Hi MBA students! Here I am sharing a list of MBA Communication for Management/Business Communication projects which have been shared by various students on Please feel free to browse through them and use them for reference. 1 Cost/management accounting MBA project on...
  14. akshay

    Cost/management accounting MBA project on handicrafts exports

    Hello Guys, I am sharing cost/management accounting MBA project on handicrafts exports. Below you can find table of content & brief abstract of the project.1 Table of Contents HISTORY OPERATIONS BRASSWARE MANUFACTURING PROCESS FLOW MOULD MAKING MELTING CASTING SCRAPING ENGRAVING...
  15. akshay

    MBA project on cost/management accounting for micro engineers fiber optic products & accessories

    Hello friends, Download MBA project on cost/management accounting for micro engineers fiber optic products & accessories. I am sharing the table of contents & a brief about the project report.1 Contents About Micro Engineers Some products of Micro Engineer Some Clients of Micro Engineers Cost...