Mobile computing project topics & ideas for CSE/IT computer science BE/BTech students

Feb 19, 2015
Student of
Class IX
Dear Colleagues from CSE & IT Engineering

Here I am sharing some project topics and ideas on MOBILE COMPUTING for your major and minor engineering projects. I have carefully collated these topics from various sources which include several research papers, journals and latest technology blogs and websites.

I hope this list will help you build a great project and be a source of immense learning for you. If you have any query with regards to these topics, please reply below. Moreover, if you require project abstract or a sample report/PPT on any of these topics, please reply below with your requirement. I'll definitely try to help you out with your requirement.

I would also request you to share any other topics or ideas you may have as a reply below.

Mobile Computing project ideas and topics:

  1. A Fault-Tolerant Token Based Atomic Broadcast Algorithm
  2. A Gen2-Based RFID Verification Method for Protection and Privacy
  3. A location based service platform: for the next generation of mobile devices, including intelligent position updates
  4. A Mobile Web 2.0 community service based on near-field communication
  5. A prototype application for objective video quality assessment
  6. Achieving Security in Messaging and Personal Content in Symbian Phones
  7. Ad Hoc Routing for Bluetooth
  8. Adaptive Location-Oriented Content Delivery In Delay-Sensitive Pervasive Applications
  9. Ambulance management system using GIS
  10. Analysis on Fixed and Mobile WiMAX
  11. Automated Ballot Vote
  12. Automation Of Analysis And Development Management
  13. Autonomous Deployment Of Heterogeneous Mobile Sensors
  14. Background Analysis and Design of ABOS, an Agent-Based Operating System
  15. Bandwidth Recycling
  16. Barcode Generation
  17. Bi-directional routing abstraction for asymmetric mobile ad hoc network
  18. BRA: A Bidirectional Routing Abstraction for Asymmetric Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
  19. CAR : Context-aware Flexible Course-plotting for Wait Understanding Cellular Networks
  20. Card Management System
  21. Challenges and Solution of UMTS Handover
  22. Citizen Card System
  23. Combined Endeavor Migration and Power Control in Wireless Computing
  24. Company Information Tracking System
  25. Company Security Reporting System
  26. Constant Tracking of Spatial Concerns in Wireless Send out Environments
  27. Continuous Monitoring Of Distance-Based Range Queries
  28. Contract Labor Management System
  29. Control Theoretic Approach to Distributed Optimal Configuration of 802.11 WLANs
  30. Cooperative Clustering Protocol For Energy Saving Of Mobile Devices
  31. Cost- and Collision-Minimizing Forwarding Schemes for Wireless Sensor Networks: Design, Research and Experimental Validation
  32. Course-plotting in Delay-Tolerant Techniques Composed of Heterogeneous Node Populations
  33. Credit Card Management System
  34. Cross-Layer Optimization For Multimedia Transport Over Multicode CDMA Networks
  35. Data Delivery Properties of Human Contact Networks
  36. Data Leakage Detection
  37. Dependable and Energy-Efficient Course-plotting for Fixed Wireless Ad Hoc Techniques with Hard to rely on Links
  38. Design and implementation of a shared whiteboard application for industrial environments
  39. Design and Performance Analysis of Mobility Management
  40. Design of path searcher for WCDMA receiver and implementation in DSP
  41. Digital Encryption System
  42. Distributed Transaction Proxy
  43. District Collector
  44. Doctor Online
  45. DRAND: Allocated Randomized TDMA Scheduling for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
  46. Dynamic Conflict-Free Transmission Scheduling for Sensor Network Queries
  47. Dynamic Time Slot Partitioning For Multimedia Transmission In Two-Hop Cellular Networks
  48. E -Crime File Management System
  49. E-Cops
  50. Effective Audio Video Transfer Using Real Time Protocol
  51. Effective Scheduling In Infrastructure-Based Cognitive Radio Networks
  52. Effectiveness of Monitoring for Intrusion Detection in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
  53. Efficient Location Training Protocols for Heterogeneous Sensor and Actor Networks
  54. Efficient Location Training Protocols For Heterogeneous Sensor And Actor Networks
  55. Efficient Routing in Intermittently Connected Mobile Networks: The Multiple-Copy CaseDistributed Mobility Management for Target Tracking in Mobile Sensor Network Efficient resource allocation for wireless Networking Towards Broadcast Reliability In Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks with Double Coverage
  56. Emotional Triggers ? Experience design as an added value
  57. Enabling Public Verifiability and Data Dynamics For Storage Security in Cloud Computing
  58. Ensuring Data Storage Security in Cloud Computing
  59. Enterprise Fleet Management System
  60. ERP System
  61. E-Tutor Online Jobs
  62. Exam Suite
  63. Extended XML Tree Pattern Matching
  64. Ezee Mail System
  65. Fast Detection Of Mobile Replica Node Attacks
  66. File Security System
  67. Friend Mapper on Mobiles
  68. Global Tracker
  69. Image Compression and De-compression
  70. Image Processing Editor
  71. Implementation and Validating Environmental and Health
  72. Improving Utilization Of Infrastructure Clouds
  73. Inter Bank Fund Transfer in Distributed Network
  74. Intranet Chatting
  75. Intranet Mailing System
  76. Intrusion Detection System
  77. IRC Chat Client
  78. Issue Tracker
  79. IT Project and Process Management
  80. Java Memory Model
  81. JOpenIT
  82. Kind of Reasonable Scheduling Schemes for the QoS-Oriented Wireless LAN
  83. Lending Tree
  84. Light-Weight Multi-Document Summarization Based On Two-Pass Re Ranking
  85. Load Shedding In Mobile Systems With Mobiqual
  86. Location-Based Spatial Query Processing in Wireless Broadcast Environments
  87. MAC Method for Opportunistic Cognitive Stereo Techniques with Smooth Guarantees
  88. MACA
  89. Marine Operations And Management System
  90. Mathematical Modelling of The Global Positioning System Tracking Signals
  91. M-banking
  92. M-commerce breakthrough in developing countries: the role of m-commerce in wealth creation and economic growth in developing countries
  93. MDPF: Least amount Range Supply Forwarding for Search Programs in Cellular Ad Hoc Networks
  94. Medical Image Compression
  95. Mindtech Bug And Component Systems
  96. Minimization of Control Direct Performing under Node Take Attacks
  97. Minimum Bandwidth Reservations For Periodic Streams In Wireless Real Time Systems
  98. Mobi Travel Guide
  99. Mobile Banking System
  100. Mobile Electronic Program Guide
  101. Mobile Gadgeteer
  102. Mobile headphone and technologically-mediated experience : the uses of privacy
  103. Mobile i Broker
  104. Mobile Invoice
  105. Mobile Location Alarm
  106. Mobile Phone and Infrastructure Vulnerabilities
  107. Mobile Phone Tracking
  108. Mobile Sampling of Sensor Field Data
  109. Mobile services for truck drivers
  110. Mobile Video Archive
  111. Mobile Widget Architecture
  112. Mobility Management Approaches for Mobile IP Networks
  113. Mobility Management Schemes Based On Pointer Forwarding For Wireless Mesh Networks
  114. Mobiminder: Location Based Reminder on Mobiles
  115. Mobi-Thesaurus
  116. Modeling and Detection of Camouflaging Worm
  117. Money Course-plotting with Anti-Void Traversal for Wireless Sensor Networks
  118. Multi User Chat System
  119. MultiAuctioneer Progressive Auction For Dynamic Spectrum Access
  120. Multihoming Route Control
  121. Multi-Lingual Website
  122. Multiplayer Games in Mobile Terminals
  123. Multiple Routing Configurations for Fast IP Network Recovery
  124. Multiuser detection and power control in CDMA systems
  125. Natural Image Segmentation Based On Tree Equipartition
  126. Noise Reduction By Fuzzy Image Filtering
  127. Nonparametric Design Assessment and Concern Assessment for Transmission Energy Indoors Location
  128. Nymble: Blocking Misbehaving Users in Anonymizing Networks
  129. On the Importance of Node Solitude to the K-Connectivity of Wireless To prevent Sensor Networks
  130. On the Protection of Path Development in MANETs
  131. On the Stage Move Size of K-Connectivity in Wireless Multihop Networks
  132. Online Crime file Management
  133. On-Line Help Desk
  134. Online Real Estate Property Management
  135. Online Recruitment System
  136. Online Rental House Web Portal
  137. Online University
  138. Opportunistic preparation with steadiness assures in mental radio
  139. Opportunistic Scheduling with Reliability Guarantees in Cognitive Stereo Networks
  140. Opportunities for mobile solutions in the process industry: a case study at SSAB
  141. Optimal Channel Access Management with QoS Support for Cognitive Vehicular Networks
  142. Optimal Jamming Attacks and Network Defense Policies in Wireless Sensor Network
  143. Optimum Stereo Source Partition for Combined Contention- and Connection-Oriented Multichannel Access to in OFDMA Systems
  144. Orkut Using Java
  145. Path Balance in MANETs under the Unique Route Flexibility Model
  146. Personal Authentication Based On Iris Recognition
  147. Powerful Multiresolution Information Distribution in Wireless Sensor Networks
  148. Powerful Uplink Data Demand with Wait Control for Real-Time Service in Cellular WiMAX Networks
  149. Pre-paid Recharging System on Banking
  150. Price & impact exploration sending plans in wifi indicator system style & fresh validation
  151. Project Metrics
  152. Proof of concept implementation of UMTS long term evolution
  153. Publishing Search Logs
  154. Query processing in data intensive applications
  155. RandomCast: An Energy-Efficient Interaction Structure for Cellular Ad Hoc Networks
  156. Ranking Spatial Data by Quality Preferences
  157. Rate less Forward Error Correction for Topology-Transparent Scheduling
  158. Real-Time Detection Of Clone Attacks
  159. Remote Administration using Mobile
  160. Remote PC Administration Using J2ME
  161. Resilient Online Coverage For Surveillance Applications
  162. RETINA : a real-time traffic navigation system
  163. RITAS: Services For Randomized Intrusion Tolerance
  164. Script Identification Through Temporal Sequence Of The Strokes
  165. Secret Key Establishment Using Temporally and Spatially Correlated Wireless Channel Coefficients
  166. Secure Data Transmission
  167. Securing an ERP Implementation
  168. Ship Store System
  169. SMS Based Mobile Banking with Security
  170. SPAF: Stateless FSA-based Packet Filters
  171. Staying Connected in a Mobile Healthcare System
  172. Stealthy Attacks In Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
  173. Steganography In Audio Files
  174. Tanrox Work Force
  175. TCP friendly streaming protocols in mobile computing environment
  176. TCP performance in an EGPRS system
  177. Text Encryption And Decryption
  178. The Shining example Activity Prognosis Problem in Wireless Sensor Techniques for Localization Applications
  179. Twitter Client For Android Based Smart Phone
  180. Uniformity Control Techniques for Information Duplication in Cellular Ad Hoc Networks
  181. Unwired Enterprise Systems
  182. VAS for Hand Held Device
  183. Virtual Office Management
  184. Virtual Router Using Destination-Sequenced Distance Vector
  185. Voice over IP for Sony Ericsson Cellular Phones
  186. Voyage Management
  187. Web Blossom Bazzar
  188. Web Enabled Automated Manufacturing System
  189. Wireless Health Care System
  190. Wireless Sensor Network Deployment in Mobile Phones Environment
Good Luck!
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Jun 17, 2018
Student of
A great guide to kick start my project work. Thanks for sharing!!


Jul 16, 2015
Student of
  1. Ensuring Data Storage Security in Cloud Computing. Can I get some help on the above topic. I'm glad for that wonderful compilation.
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Reactions: simran.sharma


Jun 17, 2018
Student of