Principles of Management quick revision PDF notes, book, eBook for Mechanical Engineering 2nd Year


Feb 19, 2015
Student of
Hello Mechanical Engineering students, I am sharing the Principles of Management PDF class lecture notes, eBook, book as per the Mechanical Engineering Second year course syllabus. These Principles of Management quick revision notes will help you prepare on the exam day and score good marks.

List of topics covered in Principles of Management quick revision PDF Hand written class notes, book, eBook for Mechanical Engineering Second Year:

  • UNIT I OVER VIEW OF MANAGEMENT - Organization, Management, Role of managers, Evolution of Management thought, Organization and the environmental factors, Managing globally, Strategies for International Business.
  • UNIT II PLANNING - Nature and Purpose planning, Planning process, Types of plans, Objectives, Managing by objective (MBO) Strategies, Types of strategies, Policies, Decision Making, Types of decision, Decision Making Process - Rational Decision Making Process, Decision Making under different conditions.
  • UNIT III ORGANISING - Nature and purpose of organizing, Organization structure, Formal and informal groups / organization, Line and Staff authority, Departmentation, Span of Control, Centralization and Decentralization, Delegation of authority, Staffing, Selection and Recruitment, Orientation Career Development, Career stages, Training, Performance Appraisal.
  • UNIT IV DIRECTING - Creativity and Innovation, Motivation and Satisfaction, Motivation Theories Leatership, Leadership theories, Communication, Hurdles to effective communication, Organization Culture, Elements and types of culture, Managing cultural diversity.
  • UNIT V CONTROLLING - Process of controlling, Types of control, Budgetary and non-budgetary control techniques, Managing Productivity, Cost Control, Purchase Control, Maintenance Control, Quality Control, Planning operations.
Please click the download link below to get Principles of Management quick revision PDF Hand written class notes, book, eBook file for Mechanical Engineering Second Year syllabus.


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