Network Analysis & Synthesis question bank with solutions (Q&A) for electronics engineering/BTech second year – PDF download


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Aug 15, 2022
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Hello B.Tech students,

Network Analysis & Synthesis subject is typically offered to students pursuing an Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE) degree. The course covers fundamental concepts related to network analysis, circuit theorems, and synthesis of networks. Students learn about the time-domain and frequency-domain analysis of networks, Laplace transforms, Fourier transforms, and network synthesis using filters and amplifiers. The course is designed to equip students with practical skills related to the design and analysis of electrical circuits and systems. Upon successful completion of the course, students will have a strong foundation in network analysis and synthesis, which is essential for professionals in fields such as electronics, telecommunications, and power systems. Overall, this subject is an important building block in the education of electrical and electronics engineers and prepares them for a successful career in the field.

I am sharing Network Analysis & Synthesis question bank with answers and solutions in Q&A format for electronics engineering/BTech second year. This is available as a PDF file for free download below.

List of topics covered in Network Analysis & Synthesis question bank with solutions (Q&A) for electronics engineering/BTech second year:

Unit 1:

  • Introduction to Networks
  • Review of Circuit Elements and Kirchhoff's Laws
  • Analysis of Resistive Circuits
  • Introduction to Network Topology and Graph Theory
  • Nodal and Mesh Analysis of Networks
Unit 2:
  • Network Theorems
  • Superposition Theorem, Thevenin's Theorem, Norton's Theorem
  • Maximum Power Transfer Theorem, Reciprocity Theorem
  • Millman's Theorem, Tellegen's Theorem

Unit 3:
  • Network Analysis in Frequency Domain
  • Phasors and Complex Impedance
  • Frequency Response of Circuits, Bode Plot, and Resonance
  • Filters and Attenuators, Low-pass, High-pass, Band-pass, and Band-stop Filters
  • Two-port Networks, Z-parameters, Y-parameters, h-parameters, and ABCD-parameters
Unit 4:
  • Laplace Transform and Network Synthesis
  • Laplace Transform and Inverse Laplace Transform
  • Network Synthesis: RL, RC, and RLC Synthesis, Foster and Cauer Methods
  • Transfer Function and Pole-Zero Analysis, Stability Criteria
  • Network Synthesis Using Operational Amplifiers
Unit 5:
  • Fourier Series and Fourier Transform
  • Fourier Series, Fourier Transform, and their Properties
  • Application of Fourier Transform in Circuit Analysis
  • Convolution, Correlation, and their Applications

The PDF file containing Network Analysis & Synthesis question bank with solutions (Q&A) for electronics engineering/BTech second year students is available for a free download below.


  • NetworkAnalysis&Synthesis-BTech-2Year-Question bank.pdf
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