Management information system PDF Lecture notes, eBook download for MBA


Mar 12, 2015
Student of
Hello MBA students,

I am sharing this summarized eBook and lecture notes of Management information system (MIS) for MBA students. You can easily download this PDF on Management information system notes / eBook and study quickly and revise during your semester exams.

The key topics covered in Management information system (MIS) eBook notes is as follows:

> Information System in Business: Introduction to Information System; System Concepts; System & Sub System; System Feed back; Types of Information System; Applications; System Development Life Cycle (SDLC).

> Managing Data Resources: Introduction; Organizing Data in a Traditional File Environment; Data Base Management System; Data Base Environment; The range of Data Base Applications; Integration of Information; Role of Enterprise Resource, Planning (ERP); Customer Relationship Management; Work Group Integration; Integration of Different Systems; Information System Organizations & Business Processes.Management of Information Systems, Technology, and Strategy.

> The Technology: Computer and Computer Processing; Role of Information Technology in Organization; Information System and Strategy; Strategic Analysis.

> End User Computing (EUC): Introduction; End User Computing Tools; End User Systems Tools; The Information Center, Office Automation; Office Information System (OIS); Aspect of OIS; Applications of Office Automation.

> Electronic Communication System: Electronic Conference; Electronic Meeting Systems; Electronic Discussions; Electronic Publishing; Introduction to Networks; Network Basics; LAN Basics; Internet Working; ISDN Basics; Network Management.

> Business Telecommunications: Telecommunication and Network; The Internet and World Wide Web (WWW); E Business; Applications on EBusiness; Transaction Process System (TPS); Operational Information Systems Tactical and Strategic Level Information Systems Introduction; Tactical Accounting and Financial Information Systems; Tactical Marketing Information Systems; Strategic Marketing Information Systems; Strategic Production Information Systems; Tactical Human Resource Information Systems; Strategic Human Resource Information Systems; Managing Knowledge in the Organization.

> Enterprise Information System (EIS): Use of Information systems in Various Business Processes; Role of IS in Cross Functional Systems and EIS; Information Systems for Managerial Decision Support and Strategic Advantage Information, Management and Decision Making; Decision Support Systems (DSS); Group Support Systems; Executive support Systems.

Please click the download link below to get Management information system (MIS) lecture notes and eBook file.


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Feb 8, 2015
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Hi Vasemaca,

Thank you so much :) do let us know if you need any assistance.