Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) PDF notes, eBook download for MBA


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Feb 22, 2015
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Dear friends, I am sharing the lecture notes on the MBA subject Enterprise resource planning (ERP). This summarized eBook in PDF format will help in your studies and research on the subject Enterprise resource planning (ERP).

The following topics are covered in this Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) eBook/lecture notes:

> Introduction to ERP: Evolution of ERP; what is ERP? Reasons for the Growth of ERP; Scenario and Justification of ERP in India; Evaluation of ERP; Various Modules of ERP; Advantage of ERP.

> An Overview of Enterprise: An Overview of Enterprise; Integrated Management Information; Business Modeling; ERP for Small Business; ERP for Make to Order Companies; Business Process Mapping for ERP Module Design; Hardware Environment and its Selection for ERP Implementation.

> ERP and Related Technologies: ERP and Related Technologies; Business Process Reengineering (BPR); Management Information System (MIS); Executive Information System (EIS); Decision support System (DSS); Supply Chain Management (SCM).

> ERP System: ERP system: Introduction; Finance, Plant Maintenance, Quality Management, Materials Management.

> ERP Market: ERP Market: Introduction, SAP AG, Baan Company, Oracle Corporation, People Soft, JD Edwards World Solutions Company, System Software Associates, Inc. (SSA); QAD; A Comparative Assessment and Selection of ERP Packages and Modules.

> ERP Implementation Lifecycle: ERP Implementation Lifecycle: Issues in Implementing ERP Packages; Pre-evaluation Screening; Package Evaluation; Project Planning Phase; Gap Analysis; Reengineering; Configuration; Implementation; Team Training; Testing; Going Live; End-User Training; Post Implementation (Maintenance Mode).

> Selection of ERP vendors: Vendors; Consultants and Users; In-House Implementation - Pros and Cons; Vendors; Consultants; End User.

> Future Directions in ERP: Future Directions in ERP; New Markets; New Channels; Faster Implementation Methodologies; Business Modules and BAPIs; Convergence on Windows NT; Application Platform; New Business Segments; More Features; Web Enabling; Market Snapshot.

> Other Related Technologies of SCM: Relation to ERP; E-Procurement; E-Logistics; Internet Auctions; E-markets; Electronic Business Process Optimization; Business Objects in SCM; E commerce.

Simply click the download link below to get Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) summarized notes and eBook as per the MBA course syllabus. Cheers.


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Feb 8, 2015
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Hey parashuram,

Thank you for your valuable feedback, please let us know if you need any assistance :)

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Admin @ Studynama ~
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Feb 8, 2015
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Hey Sushilzore,

Thank you so much. Do let us know if you need any assistance. We will be really happy to help you study well. Till then visit studynama.com for all lecture notes, ebooks and projects :)

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