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  1. R

    Artificial Intelligence Lecture Notes/eBook PDF Download for MCA Fifth Sem

    Hi friends, I am sharing high quality notes of the subject Artificial Intelligence for MCA students. These notes are clear and concise and will definitely help you prepare well for your semester exams. ALL THE BEST! Topics covered in Artificial Intelligence lecture notes/eBook PDF download for...
  2. Ranjith.ds

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) quick revision PDF notes, book, eBook for BTech CSE/IT Engineering - Free Download

    Hello BTech Computer Science & IT Engineering students, I am sharing the Artificial Intelligence (AI) PDF class lecture notes, eBook, book as per the BTech CSE/IT Engineering course syllabus. These quick revision and summarized notes, eBook on Artificial Intelligence (AI) will help you score...
  3. akshay

    Artificial intelligence ebook, notes PDF download for CS/IT Engineers

    Hello guys, I am sharing the PDF eBook containing brief notes for Artificial intelligence for the CS/IT Engineering students. You will find the following modules in this eBook/notes for Artificial Intelligence:1 Module I - Introduction to Artificial Intelligence: The Foundations of...
  4. N

    Artificial Intelligence - Ebook, Notes PDF Download for CS/IT Engineers

    Hello Friends, I am uploading the Artificial Intelligence - E book, Notes, PDF format file for CS/IT Engineering students. Following are the topics covered in this E book.1 Characterizations of Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence Agents Search in Problem Solving Knowledge...