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  1. R

    Symbiosis SET BBA-BCA entrance test 2017 Important questions with answer key pdf download

    Hi friends Here i am uploading a file with Important questions for the SET BBA-BCA entrance examination 2017. SET BBA-BCA entrance examination is conducted by Symbiosis university, India and is one of the best management schools in India.1 This questions are of 4 sections: -English -Aptitude...
  2. R

    Symbiosis SET BBA-BCA entrance test 2017 Practice paper with answer key pdf download

    Hi friends Here i am uploading a file with a solved Practice paper for the SET BBA-BCA entrance examination 2017. SET BBA-BCA entrance examination is conducted by Symbiosis university, India and is one of the best management schools in India.1 This paper consists of 4 sections: -English...
  3. R

    Symbiosis SET BBA-BCA entrance test 2017 Model paper with answer key pdf download

    Hi friends Here i am uploading a file with a solved Model paper for the SET BBA-BCA entrance examination 2017. SET BBA-BCA entrance examination is conducted by Symbiosis university, India and is one of the best management schools in India.1 This paper consists of 4 sections: -English...
  4. R

    Symbiosis SET BBA-BCA entrance test 2017 sample paper with answer key pdf download

    Hi friends Here i am uploading a file with a solved sample paper for the SET BBA-BCA entrance examination 2017. SET BBA-BCA entrance examination is conducted by Symbiosis university, India and is one of the best management schools in India.1 This paper consists of 4 sections: -English...